
Upcoming Features: NFT & $UMI Token Staking

We are excited to announce that NFT & $UMI Token Staking features are currently in development. These innovative features will provide our users with new ways to engage with our platform and earn rewards. Stay tuned for updates as we work towards the full launch of these exciting new capabilities.

NFT Staking

We believe that NFT staking will add significant value to our community. Users will be able to stake their unique digital assets to earn rewards and participate in platform governance.

$UMI Token Staking

Holders of $UMI tokens will not be left out! We are crafting a staking mechanism that will incentivize long-term holding and participation in the ecosystem. By staking your $UMI tokens, you will be able to earn passive income.

Both features are under heavy research and development. More details will be released closer to the full launch date. Thank you for your continued support and excitement!

Last updated